INSSA-CSD Excellence Awards 2024 with USD 1,000 Financial Bursary (per Award)


Following the resounding success of our inaugural INSSA-CSD Excellence Awards, we're delighted to announce that application period for the 2024 awards is NOW OPEN.

Conceptualised and managed by International NGO Safety & Security Association (INSSA) and the Centre for Safety & Development (CSD), this unique awards program aims to recognise and celebrate non-profit NGO Security Risk Management excellence at the community, country, and regional levels.

The application period ends on July 31st, 2024 (at 23:59 UTC) 

Watch an important message from Javeria Malik (Chair INSSA Board) and Ebe Brons (CEO and Founder, CSD). 


Award Categories

Applications are invited for the following Award categories: 

Rising Star:   The candidate for this category must be a security risk management (SRM) professional  under 35 years of age or with less than five (05) years of NGO SRM experience (at least one of the two conditions must be met) who has demonstrated potential and commitment to Non-Profit NGO Security Risk Management.  

SRM Innovator:   The candidate for this category must have displayed innovative SRM concepts or practices, introduced or developed new systems, or created SRM models that have successfully been applied at the community, country, or regional level. 

Outstanding Achiever:  The candidate applying for this categorymust have displayed superior SRM leadership in all essential SRM competencies, which are: (i) Risk Assessment/Principles; (ii) Policies and Protocols; (iii) Leadership, Management, and Implementation; and (iv) Critical Incident Response.      


Eligibility Criteria

  1. The candidate MUST be a current INSSA member, age 21 or older, and must have held INSSA membership for at least one year.  
  2. MUST hold a valid SRMP-Country Level Certification. 
  3. MUST be working at the community, country, or regional level instead of holding a global position. Their nomination must also be based on SRM professional excellence demonstrated at the community, country, or regional levels. 
  4. MUST be willing to provide two professional references, including one from their current supervisor (if employed). 
  5. MUST read and agree to the Official Rules.  


Official Rules

  1. You must complete all required information on the Application Form and meet the Eligibility Criteria to be considered for an INSSA-CSD Excellence Award. 
  2. Applications must be submitted online or via email on or before June 15, 2024, at 23:59 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). 
  3. There is one (1) Award per category in the amount of $1,000 (USD) each. You may apply for more than one Award category, but no applicant will be selected for more than one Award. 
  4. The Award recipients will be selected by a panel of judges. 
  5. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a panel interview using the contact information provided in their Application Forms. The Award recipients will be announced on or about October 31, 2024. 
  6. All decisions are final. 
  7. Failure to respond to any Award recipient notification within 5 (five) days may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate Award recipient. 
  8. Each Award recipient may be required to sign a Declaration of Eligibility and Release Form.
  9. This Award programme is subject to all applicable laws, including tax laws that may require withholding of a portion of an Award to any non-U.S. recipient. Award recipients are responsible for all taxes that may be due on the Award. Award recipients should seek advice from a tax professional concerning the tax implications of this award.
  10. This Award programme is not open to residents of any jurisdiction subject to U.S. comprehensive sanctions, including but not limited to Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and the Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.
  11. The application and submission forms are only available in English. All submissions and supporting documents must also be in English.  
  12. All applicants must be 21 years of age or older. 
  13. By submitting your application, you agree to these Official Rules and the INSSA Terms of Use Agreement, and acknowledge INSSA and CSD’s privacy policies (hereand here, respectively). 
  14. By submitting the Application Form electronically, you provide your digital signature certifying that your information and answers are your own work and that you have read the Eligibility Criteria and the Official Rules.


Application Form

Please apply online CLICK HERE

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please write to


Click here to read what our 2023 winners and finalists have to say about the awards !

Watch this Special Episode of INSSA INSIGHTS featuring our 2023 Winners and the Awards Sponsor.