• Apr 17, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:00
  • Location: Zoom
  • Latest Activity: Apr 11

OSAC IDSC Security Exchange:

Meeting & Event Security – Preparedness, Considerations & Lessons Learned

The OSAC IDSC Steering Committee is pleased to announce that registration for the first IDSC Security Exchange of the year is now open! All OSAC International Development (IDSC), Academia (ASC), and Faith-Based Sector Committee (FBSC) members are invited to attend. 
Please click HERE to register.
Title: Meeting & Event Security – Preparedness, Considerations & Lessons Learned
Date: Wednesday, April 17th at 10:00 AM ET

Location: Zoom

Description: How can security teams maintain some level of security oversight / minimum standards when it comes to meeting and event security and get support from their organizations in this involvement? In this security exchange, panelists will dive into different approaches and aspects that security leads might consider when planning and preparing for meetings and events, covering topics such as assessments, oversight, responses processes, contingency planning for significant events, site selection, and more. Attendees will learn ideas on quick wins that can be implemented to strengthen organization approaches to meeting and event security and hear about common issues that security leads have encountered.
  • Ben Whelan, Global Risk & Operations Manager, AccessNow
  • Yves Nommay, Regional Safety & Security Advisor, WARO, Catholic Relief Services
  • Marieke van Weerden, Director of Health, Safety and Security, Catholic Relief Services (Moderator)